Wednesday 6 March 2013

"Decieving others. This is what the world calls romance" - Oscar Wilde

Something of a problem has been brought to the forefront of my mind this week. Stemming from one too many shatteringly emotive dreams (which my doctor says are likely to be linked to my medication, if that's the reason, then I'd rather not stop taking it. They're too exciting) and from one too many off-hand comments which happy-go-lucky friends throw out in that nonchalant way that ensure you only realise how hurt you were by it days later.

Attitudes of (even the most normal) UK university students which are destructive to the female psyche:
1. Girls who do not have sex or seek out sexual encounters on nights out are shy, wallflowers who simply don't have the guts to admit to themselves that sex would 'free' them.
2. That everyone 'needs' (and wants) regular sex. This was insisted upon me by two of my best male friends just the other night. No, I do not believe in celibacy. Nor do I believe that people who do not engage in regular sex are in some way abnormal or denying themselves a basic human right.
3. That sexual freedom and promiscuity is in some way related to female emancipation.

This last one really gets under my skin. I am grateful that I live in a culture where it is acceptable to have relations outside of marriage. But I am infinitely more grateful for a offshoot of this cultural shift - the fact that most of my friends are guys, which is something I can't imagine having any other way.
I cannot but whince inwardly whenever one of my female friends uses any of the following phrases: "I need a guy", "We need to find hot guys", and - my personal favourite - "Don't worry, we'll find you a boyfriend!"
Good. Whew! You had me, lyk, seriously freaking out there, bbz..

Of course, I admit to my fair share of weakness and apologise to the rest of my sex for ever drunkenly yelling at my male friends that they NEED to be my wingmen.. when the only help I needed that night was getting into my own bed without being sick anywhere I'd regret later. But that's another story.

Moreover, I will not deny myself the heart-wrenching thrill that comes with actual attraction.When that happens; the entire spectrum of emotions avaliable to mankind will be buzzing through me and I will become just another silly girl who can't maintain eye contact without her mouth going dry. But in the meantime, I need to find some witty comebacks when someone thinks it's their business to express their concern as to the state of my sex life... "I find I'm pretty good with my hands - know anyone who can do better? No? Shame.."

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